Online Event, Eastern Time Zone Pre-registration is required, Contact the organizer to Register Speaker: Dr Brian Steigo
East Hartford, CT: NMSS-WalkMS
Pre-Registration Required 1 & 3 mile Routes
Online: MSVN-Moving with MS
Pre-registration is required, Contavt the organizer to Register Speaker: Dr Gretchen Hawley PT, DPT, MSCS
Online: MSVN-Exploring Diversity in the MS Community
Pre-regisytration is required, Contavt the organizer to Register Speaker: Dr Mitzi Williams, Sheila Thorne
Billings, MT: Let’s Talk Relapsing MS- What it means to be a care partner
Pre-registration is required, Contact the organizer to register. Speaker: Healthcare Professional
Is Inflammation Making You Sick?
by Carolyn Kaufman Having a disease like MS can be really overwhelming. Between the large variety of potential symptoms and fear of what’s to come, MS creates a lot of stress and questions. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to have many answers. Or does it? When I was first diagnosed, I had no idea what I […]
How To Manage Stress
by Carolyn Kaufman We’ve all been there. You’re feeling alright, something stressful happens and before you know it, you’re having an MS attack. It’s a commonality among MS patients (and realistically, patients of most chronic illnesses), which is why it’s so important to look at. Stress is major contributing factor to illness and obesity. Both eastern and […]
Just Exercise!
I’ve been told recently by several people that they have witnessed my overcoming my MS through a positive mindset, a healthy diet and daily exercise. They believe that exercise has made the most significant difference. I agree 100%. With the possible exception of eliminating dairy from my diet, which may have had an equal effect, […]