Ride is on Saturday, October 17th at 8 A.M. on the Northern or Southern sections of the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail. Register at www.bit.ly/teammsgobike. You will register for the BikeMS Windsor, CT virtual ride so there is no registration fee or fundraising minimum. Donations are being collected through our nonprofit and will be given to […]
First dose of Ocrevus this week
After 10 years on Copaxone, I had my first infusion. No more 3x/week shots. I do feel more tired though. Hoping for the best! Enjoy your day, Ray
Insist on MRIs of your spine!
Happy Wednesday, When I got my first MRI of my brain in 2008, it showed no lesions so the questioned MS. The MS activity was in my spine! I was speaking at a MS event last night and only a couple of people had ever had an MRI of their spine. This is ludicrous because […]
MS doesn’t have to be so isolating!
Happy Tuesday, I recently spent a day with friends that moved to Atlanta, Ga over 25 years ago. We hooked up on Facebook. They were up here visiting my friend Chips Family. It was like we remained in contact. They learned that I had MS & were more concerned about me going sailing on Long […]
Going ALL IN!
Happy Sunday, I have be watching Teri Jaklin’s videos on managing your MS. Teri is a Naturopathic & Functional Medicine Doctor who has MS. What I have learned most is that doing a little bit, doing part way or cutting down is not enough. I eliminated dairy 100% one year ago. Best thing I ever […]
People with MS going on Ocrevus
Happy Wednesday, Speaking with 7 people who have gone on the new DMT, they’re are all happy. With the exception of 1, all are saying they feel better about 30 days after the second infusion. Going to several presentations on Ocrevus, I learned that the drug targets your B cells instead of your T cells […]
Exercise with MS
Happy Wednesday, The entire MS community is promoting the importance of regular exercise to help your MS. This is physical, mental & social. I have given talks attended by people who are in chairs or walkers. They claim they cannot exercise until I break out a can of soup & necktie. They can raise their […]
Dealing with stress while the world goes crazy
Happy Monday, With devistating hurricanes, terrorist bombings, riots because of court rulings, it gets more & more difficult to not be stressed. Having MS means that we already have enough stress in our lives so we can’t avoid everything going on, but YOU need to worry about YOU! I get just enough news to know […]
Happy Friday, With all these natural disasters, I am reminded that someone always has MS worse than me. That helps me keep a positive attitude. No matter how bad your situation is, someone ALWAYS has a worse situation. Be safe & Enjoy your day, Ray
Overcoming MS requires a lifestyle change
Happy Thursday, What I have figured out is that to put my MS at bay requires a whole bunch of small things that combined make me feel infinately better. This involves Mindset which includes daily meditation, stress reduction & having a focus in life. Exercise which includes the pool, weight machines & stretching. And Diet which […]