Happy Saturday, I got a recumbent trike to ride in Bike MS events. After not being on a bicycle in over 6 year because of bad balance, I am able to ride again. Talk about exhilarating! OMG! The feeling of freedom is beyond words. So many people with MS say,”I can’t ride.” With a power […]
Before all else, you got to get in the “right mindset”
Happy Friday, What that mindset, is unique for you. You just must get to the point that you accept that you have MS & it’s not going away, but neither is your life so you need to figure out how to make yourself feel better & enjoy your life. Enjoy the day, Ray
Well, Its about time. 400,000 people in US with MS revisited.
Happy Thursday, The MS community has stopped saying that MS is an orphan disease. The study said around 400,000 people in the US have MS. My educated guess that it’s over 1 million. The original number is based on a study done in 1975, over 40 years ago! The NMSS is curently doing a new […]
Get your head on straight
Happy Monday, Mental attitude seems to be above all else. If you focus on being sick you will have worse days than when you think “I got this” MS you lose! Enjoy your day, Ray
Use it or lose it!
Happy Sunday, A friend of mine runs aquatic exercise classes for people with rumetoid arthritis. She says that she sees people move after class move noticably better. The same holds true for most chronic health conditions. So even though it may be hard & painful to move, you need to do something every day. Enjoy […]
Early Interention & treatment
Happy Friday, All of the information in recent years talks about getting a diagnosis & treatment plan ASAP. Many people experience symptoms way before they a definative diagnosis of MS so the faster you assemble YOUR healthcare team, the less time MS can progress untreated. Be your own advocated & push for answers! Enjoy your […]
Possible role of diet in MS
Happy Wednesday, Much of the researching going on is focused on the microbiomes in the gut of people with MS. More studies focused on diet to reduce iflammation are being done now. This seems to put more importance on a healthy diet for us MSers. Enjoy you day, Ray
Never feel less than because you have MS
Happy Tuesday, I have MS & give no apololgies for it. No, I cannot do a lot of what I used to, but I just adapt. I cannot ride a bicycle, but I ride a Ti-trike now. The list goes on. Never, ever feel that you are less of a person. You are not! I […]
Life is Good!
Happy Monday, Mindset seems to be the biggest factor in how we deal with having MS. My Sirius radio is preset to the comedy stations because I always want to laugh & stay in a good mood. Having MS is always going to be a challenge, but MS can stand for: this Majorly Sucks or […]
Always be Safe
Happy Sunday, Yesterday, I was supposed to ride in the Cape Cod BikeMS event. It was raining with torrential downpours so I opted to volunteer for my Team Velox Rota instead. Reports of 6 inch deep puddles (not good for a lower recumbent Ti-Trike), crashes & miserable conditions with poor visability showed my concern for […]